Friday, 11 March 2011

WINOL week 3

Brian Thornton's de-brief

This week news was very weak and there were far too many vox pops.

Overall, the technical standard has improved alot. The camera shots and sound quality were good; however it is now the editorial content that needs work. The script, links and the balance between interviewees need focus next week.
Production this week was exceptional and more advanced than previous weeks.

Angus Scott's de-brief

Angus agreed with Brian that production was exceptional. The sports team are dominating news and so the aim for next week is to strike more of a balance between the two.
Grammar needs to be double checked. 'Off of' should of been 'off'.
The headlines were dull. To entice and capture the attention of the audience, they need to be more exciting.
The links are too short; they do not sufficiently explain the story.
The OOV and the UPSOT were very good and professional looking. The aim is to produce two or three of these for each week's bulletin. They need to be between 20-30 seconds each.
The order of the bulletin needs to be looked at. For example, the piece about the fire station should have been before the sports package. However, the balance of this week's bulletin was an improvement from last week.
Another aim for next week's bulletin is to remember to geographically locate stories.

On a personal note, I was very disappointed with my package this week. I wanted to do a piece about the government's proposed funding cuts to victims of domestic violence. I managed to get shots and two interviews. One of the interviewees was Michele Price, the manager of Winchester's night shelter. The other was Tony Hall, a housing officer from Eastleigh Borough Council. My editor felt that this was not balanced and so I managed to get a quote from MP Steve Brine to rectify this. However, Brian felt that my idea was too vague and that I hadn't tackled the issue very well.
Although I was very disappointed and frustrated, I learnt a valuable lesson and now know that I need a definite story and not just a vague concept.

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